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3 Benefits of Having a Small Dog and Why We Love Them

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February 17, 2021

Key Takeaways

They are small, cuddly and cute—benefits of having a small dog starts and ends with these phrases for some owners. What more can you ask for, right?

If your recent Google searches revolve around ‘how to choose a small dog’, then you want something more substantial to go for little furry friends. It is why we decided to list the underrated reasons why you should get a small dog.  These start from training habits, eating restrictions to travelling perks.

Without further ado, let’s have a look:

1. Some Small Dogs Are Easy to Train   

Is this a real benefit of having a small dog?

Yes and no.

All small dogs are not easier to train. The truth lies in the fact that some small dog breeds are more responsive than others. They are capable of retaining more commands and display a sweet eagerness to please their pet parents. That makes these furry friends quick learners and obedient housemates.

The best small dog breeds for training includes poodles (toy and miniature), Pomeranian, Yorkshire terrier, Maltese, etc.

Pro tip: Remember that dogs like humans need time to adjust to new surroundings. Be calm and patient during training to prevent any mishaps.

2. Small Dogs Are Low Maintenance  

If you are looking for an apartment dog that doesn’t eat up your budget, choose small dog breeds. All they need is proper protein and digestion-friendly treats to keep them going.  Many doggie diets can accommodate occasional fruits and veggies too.

Other budget-friendly benefits include:

  • Low-cost veterinary care (including spaying and neutering) and inexpensive surgeries
  •  Daily grooming and hygiene care is manageable without proper groomers
  • They don’t require long walks and extensive exercise compared to larger breeds

In short, they are more manageable for singletons and families alike.  

3. Travelling with Small Dogs Is Easier

A significant benefit of having a small dog is their travel privileges.  They are welcome guests at many hotels, Airbnbs, and even grocery stores. Similarly, flying with a small dog is super convenient too. You can bring them on the flight in a safety carrier without any issues. Also, it is less costly than taking the ‘dog as cargo’ route.

More importantly, their size ensures that your pet stays with you wherever you go. That means less worrying and more fun for both of you.

Parting Words

Overall, the benefits of having a small dog are infinite. They are low-maintenance and more active. Their size alone makes them a feasible choice for anyone on a budget. Also, travelling with small dogs is easier compared to bigger dog breeds. You can dress them up take them out and about without a long list of rules (which is a saving grace in a post-COVID world!)

Need more dog inspiration? Stay tuned for more tips and tricks about top small dog breeds and how to look after them.

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