🧠 Training

What Are The Basic Dog Commands For Learning Emotional Control?

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January 12, 2023

Key Takeaways

Sit, come, and stay - these are some of the basic commands that every dog should know.

A benevolent pack leader needs to know the basic dog commands in training your furry pal. Raising a well-behaved canine is about being patient and wise to its response. It is fulfilling to see our furry companions follow the commands we say, especially when it becomes impulsive.

Every puppy needs obedience training, and it all starts with understanding its behavior, personality, and genes. Check out these basic dog commands you can use for your pup where you go, during playtime, and whenever necessary.

Basic Dog Commands #1 - Sit

Every dog trainer would agree that "sit" is the most basic dog command you can teach to your pup. Humans say it is so often even to a month-old puppy. It is the easiest to learn because canines have a natural concept for this action. 

Use a hand signal and say the command in a low and quiet yet clear voice. Sometimes, you need to find the perfect indication that will make the dog follow. When you find it, stick with it and don't use it for other commands. More importantly, don't forget to praise or give a treat whenever your fido does it right.

A dog's natural action towards sitting makes it a fast learner for this command. Even puppies can get the hang of it after a few sessions. Since it's a transition command, once your dog grasps the concept of sitting, you can follow it up with other commands.

Basic Dog Commands #2 - Down Vs. Lay Down Vs. Off

Down is another basic dog command, but be careful about what you really mean. When you say "down," do you mean laying down on the floor or getting off your sofa? These two different situations requiring other commands and visual signals.

Don't confuse your furry pal. Unlike humans, they can only grasp one meaning for each command and body language. There are no synonyms in its vocabulary. So if "down" is for lying down on the floor, then find another command for getting off of your sofa. Otherwise, it may lie down more on your couch when you want it to go down.

Off is another command that we could have been confusing with down. When a dog jumps on visitors, we often say down when using this command to lay on the floor. Thus, the dog never listens. Get the dog off by turning your back when it jumps up while you say "Off." All of those things discourage jumping, so try a few to see if it will work with your pet.

Basic Dog Commands #3 - Stay

Teaching your fido to be patient is one way to learn emotional control. The command stay is a great way to improve this character. Perhaps, it is one of the essential skills that every breed should learn.

When preparing your dog's food or playing, no one wants it to go jumping because of excitement. The key in teaching your pup to stay is patience. Some dogs may take up to two weeks to master the Stay command and usually perform it within a few days. The learning ability of dogs depends on their personality, genes, and age.

Basic Dog Commands #4 - Come

Teach your pup to come to you whenever you call it. But you must do the proper training for this command. If the dog comes to you when you say the command, praise it. If you are having a hard time, treats help get the canine's attention. 

Basic Dog Commands #5 - Heel

It teaches a dog to heel or walk calmly by your side. You need to teach your pup how to heel, especially if both of you are fond of going outdoors. Once a dog can heel, it will be easier and more enjoyable with your dog.

For social status-seeking dogs, proper training is essential. Sometimes, the canine gets so excited that it will go out the door first once you open the door. What you can do is block the doorway path through your body. Stand up facing your dog until you get its attention.

Then, move gently forward until it moves backward. If it tries to dart you around, do left and right body blocks. Do this process until the dog is 3 to 4 feet away from the door. Then, use the stay command as you move back towards the door. When the dog moves, stop or block its way again. 

If your dog behaves or sits patiently as you reach the door, open it slowly. If the dog runs toward it, close it or block its path. Then, repeat the process until your pup doesn't make any movements when you open the door - not until you say the come command. 

The dog will eventually get that it needs to wait so that it can go outside with you. This brain training teaches a fido many commands, as you establish a specific rule and superiority. 

Basic Dog Commands #6 - No

This basic command teaches emotional control because it teaches the pup to be patient and accept rejections. When we feel frustrated, our basic reaction is to cry, become moody, and get angry. It is the same reaction for our furry pals. But it is a command for everything you want your pup not to do. As it matures, the dog will understand that "no" means no.

Check out this Free Dog Training Workshop to Learn the secret methods that service dog trainers use to housebreak dogs in under 2 weeks.


It is satisfying to see a dog follow your command because it's the fruit of your hard work in training. Canines are happier if you teach them these commands. So, our furry pals would do everything to please us. So, use it as your advantage when training the pup. There are a lot of dog commands to teach your fido but start with this basic training. If you find it challenging to teach your pup, check out these games for learning emotional control.

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