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😌 Therapy Dogs

Learn how therapy dogs can help reduce stress and anxiety levels with their calming presence and affection. Discover the benefits of these special animals and how they can improve your well-being.

What Is Pet Therapy?

You may have heard this term before but weren’t sure what it meant. Pet therapy is a relatively new type of program that uses various types of animals to assist human beings with rehabilitation, mental disorders and comfort. Keep reading to find out more about pet therapy.

Top Ten Therapy Dog Breeds

Dogs are said to be “man’s best friend” and nowhere does that show more than in pet therapy. One of the most commonly used pets is dogs. They have been our faithful companions for centuries and now are also being seen as homeopathic healers. 

Is My Animal Suited to Therapy Work?

Therapy pets perform a very important job. They provide a need for patients with disabilities - whether physical, behavioral or mental. Adding an animal component to treatment of certain patients can make a big difference in their care, including the length and the extent of treatment. Are you thinking about volunteering your pet to help others? Here are some things you should know. 

Six Common Questions about Therapy Pets

What are therapy pets and are they safe? This is a question that many may be asking when they first hear about this type of program.

How to Find a Therapy Pet

You’ve heard about pet therapy. It just might be a good option for you or a loved one. So, what is the next step? How do you find a therapy pet that is right for your needs? Here are some suggestions.

Dogs Help Heal

An innovative program set up by Therapy Dogs International is "children checking out to pet dogs." Handlers and their dogs visit schools and libraries routinely and engage with kids who have trouble reading.

Therapy Dogs

Therapy dogs are not considered official service dogs, but they perform a very useful service in the informal sense. Therapy dogs help encourage and comfort people who are experiencing a difficult time. They have been used to help children with behavioral disorders and bring smiles to the faces of elderly people in nursing homes. 

Four Ways a Therapy Pet Can Help the Sick

You may not think that pets and hospitals go hand in hand, but they do. The very presence of an animal in the hospital often causes an uproar - but in a good way. Everyone wants to get in on the fun.

How to Train Your Pet to Become a Therapy Pet

Therapy pets are instrumental in changing the lives of many people on a daily basis. Just the touch of an animal has been shown to increase those “feel good” endorphins in the body as well as promote energy and decrease feelings of loneliness and isolation. Maybe you are looking to become a volunteer at a hospital, school or nursing home. These organizations are amenable to animal visits. Here are some suggestions for you and your pet if therapy is what you are considering.

How Therapy Pets Can Help Those with Mental Health Issues

Therapy pets provide a number of health benefit to the people who utilize their services. They support physical and mental health not by performing tasks, as service animals do, but by being there and catering to the emotional needs of the patient. Those who suffer from mental health issues can also be aided by the presence of a therapy animal.

Six Ways a Therapy Pet Can Help Children

Pets have been shown to promote health benefits in humans. They can increase self-esteem, increase trust and confidence as well as increase endorphin production. In many instances, therapy dogs have specifically been used to help kids.