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Traveling with Small Dogs: Tips for Pet Travel During Covid-19 (Part 1)

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February 17, 2021

Key Takeaways

Nobody knew that we would be stuck inside our house for months. Even traveling with small dogs became a rarity. You’d think you would be allowed to sneak that portable pup, right?

However, it was the only way to stay safe and healthy. With the world easing into a new norm and uplifting COVID-19 measures, pet travel can soon become possible. It will likely bring a whole set of new rules for both of you.

So before you consider flying with them, relearn how to take them out and about first.

Here are a few things to consider when you are traveling with small dogs:

1. Explore the Great Outdoors

Are you and your small apartment dog are dealing with cabin fever?

It’s time to stretch your legs and head over to the nearest park. You can also plan a weekend getaway if you want to switch up your routine.

Since indoor attractions are still off-limits, opt for dog-safe sightseeing. Choose a good hiking trail to explore with your curious companion. You can also go canoeing with them if you find a lakeside location.Then there are historical sites and open space museums that welcome pet owner sand pets. 

While traveling with small dogs, do remember to maintain social distance at all times.Choose less crowded and more secluded areas for your visits. It would be best if you could prevent other people from touching them. Also, keep your pet on a leash to stop them in sight.

2. Dining Out Protocols

Are you planning to reclaim your newfound freedom (aka post quarantine phase) by hitting your favorite eating spots?

Then take advantage of outdoor dining options. It could be anything from gorging on food truck specialties to picking outdoor tables. This tactic allows you to avoid crowded spaces and keep your dog from harm. That is because they are less likely to come into contact with contaminated surfaces under the sky.

An alternative to this is planning a picnic. All you need is some tasty homemade treats (or takeout) and your furry friend’s company.

3. Indoor Social Distancing with Dogs & Hygiene Habits

Lastly, if you are going to a commercial space or someone’s home, your dog needs to maintain a social distance. You can do this by only letting them come into contact with people inside the house. Also, limit their interaction with anybody else by keeping them indoors.

Here are a few practical tips for traveling with small dogs:

- Keep them on leash so they do not run off

- Keep the leash at least 6 feet away from others.

- Don’t make them wear masks as that could cause breathing issues

- Wash your hands before touching your apartment dog.

- Use a sanitizer to clean notable surfaces and their leash/toys

- Groom them regularly

In short, mitigate risks by ensuring that you adhere to all pet travel safety guidelines mentioned by CDC.

In a Nutshell

On the whole, traveling with small dogs after COVID-19 is challenging. The good thing is that there are online resources (like ours) that can guide you throughout this new and scary journey. You should strive to make things as safe as possible for you and your dog. Take baby steps by exploring nearby locations before you think about jetting off somewhere.

Want more tips for pet travel? Check out traveling with small dogs (part 2) about flying with small dogs for you and your furry housemate.


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